social karma

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06 Feb 2018

Why “Do Unto Others” Is My Business Philosophy (And Should Be Yours Too)

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Do unto others. It feels remarkable, and is the guiding principle behind Social PR, which can literally transform your business relationships and communication.

15 Sep 2010

How Social Media Changed My Life… Really

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Guest post by Bryce Keane

Note I did not pay him to write any of the below, though I sure am grateful for it.

I know you’ve all heard this one before.

The Comms/PR person discussing the infinite merits of social media like it’s the second coming.

But bear with me. This is the story behind my monthly stories from here in London. And this fantastic blog plays a critical part, both cause and effect, in […]

29 Apr 2009

Social Media, Social Karma

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

There’s an awful lot of social karma going around lately.

JOTW: My First Experience With Social Karma

For the last few years, I’ve occasionally guest-edited the free “Ned’s Job of the Week” e-newsletter. If you don’t know about it, it’s a free weekly newsletter that lists job postings sent to Ned Lundquist, ABC, by subscribers (as well as many he finds himself) in the spirit of sharing.

For a couple of weeks every year, I experience what Ned goes through on a daily basis: sifting through job postings sent by readers, […]

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