Five reasons for you to attend my presentation on “measurement in the age of now” at PRSA’s 2010 International Conference today (Set 5, Track 4):

That is, of course, you’re in the PR field, and attending the conference here in DC.

If you’re not – well, you can send me good vibes, right?

Counting down the five:

5. I’ll be talking practical measurement and value, not smoke & mirrors.

4. I’ll show you how others have done/are looking measurement the right way, i.e. working backwards from objectives, not swirling in a morass of “buzz.”

In other words, how to build your measurement house of bricks, not sand.

Image: Erwin Bolwidt via Flickr, Creative Commons

3. I’m told my accent is fun to listen to. I promise to try to speak slowly.

2. If you’re playing the #prngame, you definitely don’t want to miss the chance to score some points. A lot of them. ‘Sall I’m saying.

1. I’d really appreciate it!

3:3o pm ET, in the Monroe room at the Washington Hilton.

And if you are in PR but not here “IRL,” do follow along on Twitter: hashtag #prsa_ic.

Look forward to seeing you!