iabc dc metro

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08 Oct 2010

Got Sucky Communications? Crescenzo To The Rescue

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Team Crescenzo on the move

I first met Steve and Cindy Crescenzo a couple of years ago, when I teamed up with Ragan Communications to present a few measurement-oriented workshop for a large government entity.

Having heard of “Team Crescenzo” (as I call them) for years, it thrilled me no end to actually meet them.

I was also a little worried, because I’d thought of Steve for the longest time

as one of those stratospheric communication leaders who might rip me a new one if I said or […]

21 Jul 2010

Words, Meet Mouth

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes


We think them.

We write them.

We hear them.

We say them.

We sing them.


Image: Hello Turkey Toe’s Flickrstream, Creative Commons

They are the stuff we humans are made of, ever since speech was invented (which itself is up for debate).

They are so much a part of our lives, they often become trite.

Yet for us communicators, they are our coin; what we use to demonstrate our knowledge of our craft, our proficiency at our trade, our ability to help our organizations and clients transmit the core of their […]

01 Jul 2010

How To Think Like A Reader With Ann Wylie

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday was a bit of a red-letter day. It was my husband’s birthday (and he thanks you kindly for all the good wishes, both here as well as on Twitter), which is a pretty big deal in and of itself.

Over and above that, though, IABC/DC Metro (y’all know I’m current president, right? Disclosure and all…) hosted a very special event: a three-hour writing workshop, sponsored by Johns Hopkins University (additional disclosure, I teach there) and Marketwire, with the renowned Ann Wylie, who […]