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22 Jul 2010

MeasurePR: The Thud Heard Around The Interwebs

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

A thud for chucks and chicklets

This week’s #measurePR chat was a riot.

The day started (for me, in Alaska), with finding that the oh-so-awesome Lee Odden mentioned the chat as one of the top (in his opinion) Twitter chat for marketing and PR chucks and chicklets.

OK, he didn’t say C&C. That’s all me.

I thought it would be more fun than saying “marketing/PR/SM professionals of all shapes, sizes, hues and gastronomic proclivities.”

Though now that I read that last bit back, that seems pretty cool too.

I know. Whatever.


08 Nov 2009

These Shoes Were Made For Walking

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

We had a great time last night at #shonalitweetup and yes, I will be posting photos from that event, but I’ve got just a few minutes before Arianna Huffington‘s keynote begins at PRSA2009.

Very quickly, though, here are some of the cutest shoes I’ve seen at the conference so far.

Why shoes?

There’s a lot of walking and standing at an event like this. Whether you’re an attendee, sponsor or presenter, your tootsies need to feel good, otherwise your networking’s going to be painful and potentially disastrous (as for presentations? Don’t even go there). And you know what a […]

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