thanksgivingWould you believe up until some years ago, I didn’t have any Thanksgiving memories?

You see, I’d never celebrated Thanksgiving before I moved to the US. 

After all, I didn’t grow up with it. 

But since then, it’s become one of my favorite holidays, and I’ve celebrated it all sorts of ways.

Here are some of my favorite Thanksgiving memories:

There was my first Thanksgiving ever (we were still in California), when my husband cooked the entire spread for his brother and family who were visiting, including a tofurkey for his vegan niece.

There was the time we spent it in NYC and watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade in the freezing rain (brr!!).

There was the time we decided, on the spur of the moment, to spend it in Jamaica, which was AWESOME.

There was the time we spent it in India, with roast chicken instead of turkey (gobblers aren’t easily found there), and my mom and I made pumpkin pie together.

This year I’ll be celebrating in CT with one of my dearest friends in the world (we’ve known each other since high school). It’s the first time we’ll be together for the holiday.

And even though I didn’t grow up with it, I’ve come to love Thanksgiving because of its emphasis on gratitude.

Because, in a world that seems to grow crazier by the day, who couldn’t use a little more gratitude?

So I’m grateful.

I’m grateful for family and friends who lift me up when days are bright and hold me close when nights are dark.

I’m grateful for the opportunities that have come my way and those that have not, because they’ve all taught me something and made me who I am today.

I’m grateful for all the teachers and students, mentors and mentees, colleagues and clients who’ve touched my life.

I’m grateful for puppies and snow and tulips and purse hooks and Harry Potter and spinach and water.

And I’m grateful for you.

Happy Thanksgiving.