Yesterday was a remarkable day, wasn’t it?

I mean, I never in my life thought I would watch history in the making, as I did yesterday – and, I suspect, neither did you.

I have practically no connection to Egpyt or her people.

Way back, when I was in junior high, my best friend at the time was Egyptian. Her name was Ghada.

She was an opinionated young girl, never shy of speaking her mind.

I distinctly remember her telling me my toenails were far too long… and this, the first time she was over at my house.

As tends to happen, after we all moved away (we both studied at an international school in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the time) we lost touch, despite our best intentions to stay in touch.

As the unrest in Egypt started to unfold, I couldn’t but help wonder if Ghada was a part of what was going on.

Of course, it’s silly of me to assume that she lives in Egypt; she could be anywhere in the world.

But as I watched what was happening yesterday, I couldn’t help but wonder – what would Ghada say?

I don’t know, of course, but I think she’d be proud.

Image: People’s Open Graphics via Flickr, CC 2.0