Thank you for helping me manage the emails I send you! You rock.
Now that you’ll be HAPPY to see me in your inbox, here are a couple of things you might be interested in checking out on WUL (the blawg):
- The Ultimate Guide to Social PR Strategy: A Blueprint for Success: this details my approach to Social PR and the 7C Social PR Framework in quite exhaustive detail. It’s practically a book.
- 4 Ways to Put a Little Love in Your PR: Social PR is nothing if not, well, social. But the space can also be intimidating. This post helps rid some of that angst.
- 3 Keys to Layering Content Effectively: My take on an industry report on content marketing. Because whoever “owns” it, content is at the heart of what we do.
What else would you like to learn, or chat, about? Please let me know.
PS: make sure you ALSO head over to Facebook and join the Social PR Posse group. It’s closed (read: safe), and where we indulge in a lot of FUN Social PR Badassery. You won’t want to miss it. Trust me.