American FlagMany Americans have the day off today (not me, didn’t you know, entrepreneurs never get holidays), because it’s President’s Day.

I didn’t know about President’s Day before I moved to the U.S. I remember how shocked I was when I found out that the typical American gets only 10 holidays a year.  (Wikipedia lists 11 federal holidays, but includes Inauguration Day which comes only once every four years.)

Image: BlueSun Photography via Flickr, CC 2.0


That’s heinous, in my opinion. I’ve become more used to it over the years, but I still think it’s absolutely ridiculous. If you don’t get enough time to rest, you’re going to end up doing a crap job at work. That’s just the truth.

Anyway. I digress.

I’ve since learned what President’s Day is, and thought you might be interested. This is a pretty neat infographic that I found (and I’m not usually an infographics fan) via the folks at Visually. Enjoy!