Guest Post by Erin Feldman
By Guest Contributor|Mar 22, 2012|Categories: Waxing Off With Sarah and Sheldon|Tags: horses, Jay Baer, Social Media, unicorns|25 Comments
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@adamtoporek Thank you for sharing @ErinMFeldman #WUL cartoon!
@ErinMFeldman Erin this is awesomeee !! :) Love this cartoon!
@ErinMFeldman Thank you, Ancita! I’m looking forward to reading your work here. :)
Just to reiterate my tweet – I think an illustration based upon a Jay Baer quote is inspired! You rock, Erin! And Shonali – you keep the best company!
@leaderswest Thank you!
Shonali does keep good company, doesn’t she? ;) In all honesty, I’m blessed to have met her. She’s proven to be a dear friend. I’m delighted that she asked me to share my work on Waxing UnLyrical.
@Erin F. Well, I’m glad you agreed! @leaderswest
Love this Erin… You are so talented!!
@SocialMediaDDS Thank you, Claudia!
Are you still in the thick of things with the new office?
@VoxOptima Thanks for sharing the latest Sarah and Sheldon cartoon.
@MSchechter To your Tumblr blog, I take it? It is a great quote. @jaybaer
@misskristelle It is! :) @jaybaer
@jaybaer Thank you!
@jaybaer nice! very cool you’re immortalized, Jay.
@skypulsemedia You own unicorns? You’ve been holding out on us. @shonali
@skypulsemedia What would you trade 2 goats for? @ErinMFeldman
@shonali @skypulsemedia Now that’s a question to ponder. Hmm.
It is funny because I like Jay but I often don’t agree with his views on Social and Marketing when I do read stuff he writes. But this I agree with. Well maybe not. Social is really a school of goldfish. But the ornamental ones with the big eyes.
Now if I really had a unicorn damn I would so be let in with it because they don’t exist and everyone would think how cool I am. Well even more cool than they already think I am…on Tuesdays…before 11am….for like 2 secs.
@HowieSPM Howie, you’re always cool. You’re an alien, remember?
@HowieSPM If social is a goldfish with ornamental eyes, what’s advertising? :p @Erin F.
@Shonali @Erin F. advertising? easy. maybe you don’t have this in DC. We definitely never had it in LA. But in Albany in the spring time and when I was in Panama in the morning there are a gazillion birds and animals all making noise at the same time. Saying Look at Me! Look at Me! Look at Me! over and over by the millions for hours on end. That is advertising. Good luck getting your ad seen without paying for a TV commercial even then….LOL
@HowieSPM Good. Grief. @Erin F.
I thought this was such a terrific cartoon, Erin! jaybaer … look at what you’ve done…
@Shonali I usually blame jasonkonopinski for everything, but we can start to blame jaybaer . :)
Thanks, Shonali! I think this was one of the first Sarah cartoons I drew. I’m glad it’s receiving a warm welcome.
@Erin F. @Shonali jaybaer I’m quite the n’er-do-well, you know. ;)
@erinmfeldman Does that include sea horses as well? :p