Shonali Burke

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About Shonali Burke

Shonali Burke is a nonprofit leader helping mission-driven organizations build big and dream bigger. She teaches at The Johns Hopkins University, is a graduate of the Harvard Business Analytics Program, and is creator of The Social PR Virtuoso® online training hub , where ambitious PR pros learn how to blend data and storytelling for better outcomes. Owned by Pickles the Corgi, she's mad about ABBA, bacon, cooking, dogs, and Elvis, though not necessarily in that order.
15 Oct 2023

I’m Back On Facebook (Maybe). Now What?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

As of 12:30-ish pm ET this afternoon, I got back on Facebook… albeit with my account “restricted.”

screenshot of Shonali Burke's Facebook profile restricted

Even if it gets “unrestricted,” I’m not sure I will stay on, long-term.


Let’s rewind.

My Facebook profile was hacked early August.

I was able to get it back, then I was briefly put in Facebook Jail due to “suspicious activity” that was me wishing people “happy birthday” on FB (because I’m nice like that).

I was able to prove that the HBD wishes were actually coming from me… via FB’s “ID verification” process that […]

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