
30 Jun 2010

A Very Special Day

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

Today’s my husband’s birthday.

He’s not like me at all. He doesn’t like much being made of him; he’s content to be the strong and silent type while I blather away.

Perhaps that’s why we’ve been happily married for almost 11 years (coming up in July).

I’ve met a great many wonderful people in my life, and I’m sure a great many are to follow. But I can’t imagine, for one moment, anyone who would top this wonderful man.

… who puts up with my ABBA and Elvis manias …

… who has […]

By |Jun 30, 2010|Categories: Personal|Tags: , |6 Comments
22 Jun 2010

Of Hard Drives, Hallelujah and Trust

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Well, it’s finally done. My old hard drive is dead and I will shortly be giving it a funeral service. But, as they say, it’s an ill wind that blows no one any good.

Let me bring you up to speed.

As you may have followed, I had a bit of a meltdown last week, when my hard drive crashed. Having (stupidly) not backed up my data recently and being between laptops, I was ready to do anything – anything – to get my data back.

When the Geek […]

21 Jun 2010

Calling On The Sisterhood Of Success

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Having barely come off the Women Grow Business Boot Camp high (ok, I’m still on it), I’ve seen first-hand, over and over again how my community can help me.

So now, as a new member of the #Mac community, I’m turning to my stylish ladies (and gents) to help me select a great handbag that can also hold my beautiful, shiny, new MacBook Pro 15″.

If there’s anything that makes us women entrepreneurs feel strong and successful, it’s great shoes and a great bag.

Which of these would you – my sisterhood […]

17 Jun 2010

How Did I Land On Elm Street?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

That nightmarish image you see? That’s how I felt last night… though I’m a little better today.

I was having a perfectly good day, chugging along with work, getting ready for the first-ever Women Grow Business Boot Camp, looking forward to today’s #140conf: DC, and maintaining a relatively sunny disposition despite the three-hour power outage we had.

Then, my hard drive crashed.

The laptop hung. I shut it down. When I tried to restart it, it started singing. I kid you not. “Doo-doo-doo-doo… ” I thought there was a bird in my […]

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