Body Image. The subjective concept of one's physical appearance based on self-observation and the reactions of others.Guest post by Alexandra Williams

Measuring up… or is it measuring down?

Image: Charlotte Astrid via Flickr, Creative Commons

Shonali recently asked me to write a post with some fitness tips for public relations professionals.

Well, I know fitness, but the world of PR is a bit hazy to me.

So I did some extensive research (I read her About page) and promptly declared myself ready to advise!

Here we go.

1. Communication.

I saw that word a bunch of times.

a.k.a. FlowIf you want to be a good communicator and speaker, you need strong abs and a megaphone so you can be heard over the madding crowd.

Image: lars_in_japan via Flickr, Creative Commons

See what I mean about doing my research?

So I recommend the exercise we used to warm up for the songs in the many musicals I was in during high school.

Place your hand over the lower half of your rectus abdominis and press down (contract) as you say, “Ha ha ha ha.”

Okay, you could say “La la la la,” but it’s not as fun.

This will help you project. Your voice will not tire and you will be able to wake up the snoozers in the back of the meeting room.

2. Measuring.

Okay, in MY world this would involve calipers and a tape measure.

Since I live in a happy world that includes My Little Pony, I decided to go with my reality.

What this means is that you need to do a combination of cardio (movement – i.e., running after clients) and strength training (i.e., lifting your iPhone, computer, netbook and other necessary items).

Shonali: like my dog.

This will cause you to lose weight.

Then you will be excited and volunteer to be weighed, measured and scrutinized.

3. Strategic and tactical planning, media and public relations, and crisis management.

Two words: Boot Camp! In high heels.

Image courtesy Eidia Lush.

If you can do that, you can do anything and deal with anyone.

4. Message development.

By the time you arrive at this, you should be

Oh. So. Tired.

from all that exercise listed above.

Mickey mouse phone!So forget about the message and go for some massage development instead.

‘Nuf Said! Now get out there and outreach



relate, relate, relate!

With the latest cell phone.

Image: davidflanders via Flickr, Creative Commons

Alexandra Williams, MA, co-writes Fun and Fit: Q and A with K and A, a humorous fitness blog with her twin sister, Kymberly, in the hope that readers will laugh themselves into a fit state. Together they speak at events, on the radio and in public rest stops. Alexandra is a contributing editor and writer for IDEA Fitness Journal, a regular contributor to Women Grow Business, and teaches in the exercise sports studies department at UC Santa Barbara. Talk to Alexandra on Twitter.