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14 Jul 2010

Living The Heretically Productive Life

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

A couple of months ago, I was asked by the estimable Thursday Bram to contribute to a blog post on Constructively Productive that would focus on “heretical’ productivity.

Image: woodring’s Flickrstream, Creative Commons

A fine idea, I thought. After all, is life worth living if you’re not a little heretical now and again?

Here’s what I said:

Put away the smart phone except for when you really, really need it. I don’t care how cool your iPhone or BlackBerry is, one of the […]

19 Jun 2010

Getting My WGBiz Groove On

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

Hard drive or no hard drive, life must go on, right?

Which is why I’m really glad today’s finally here. I’ll be heading out to the first-ever Women Grow Business Boot Camp shortly (thank you, sponsors Network Solutions and Steptoe & Johnson LLP), which, if the “buzz” and enthusiasm for is anything to go by, will be quite remarkable.

Here’s the 4-1-1 on it, and if you’d like to join us virtually, we’ll be live-streaming it today (thank you, Stacy Yamaoka of […]

16 Jun 2010

How Edmund Cude Uses Mobile to Rent Apartments

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

While we were walking around St. John’s Wood, London, a few months ago, I came across this sign.

I hadn’t seen anything like that before, at least in the U.S., so I did a double-take. When you think about it, though, it makes perfect sense. Texting is on the rise among “older people” in the U.K., as reported by MediaWeek a while back:

The research claims texting is becoming more prevalent among older people, with 44% of 35 to 44-year-olds and 14% of 45-plus ages sending more than 30 text […]

11 May 2010

Announcing The Women Grow Business Boot Camp

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Of dogs, guacamole and groupies

Disclosure, though I hope you already know this: I’m editor of Women Grow Business, a Network Solutions-hosted blog community by, for and of women entrepreneurs. I’m paid to do this, though I was not paid (or asked) to cross-post this announcement. I chose to do so because I think it might be useful for some of my readers.

When I started editing Women Grow Business, I knew it would be a trip and a half, but I don’t think I realized what a wild ride it would […]

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