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10 Feb 2009

Writing: PR’s Sleeper “R”

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

My foray into the U.S. public relations world dates back to 2000, when I had just moved to this country. Apparently “networking” was the way to go (in India we called it the “old boys’ club”) and, dutifully following the lead of more experienced professionals, I plunged myself into monthly meetings of the San Francisco Bay Area Publicity Club (which we fondly called “The Pub Club”).

Of all the characters – some offbeat, some extremely colorful – that I met, no one left a more lasting impression on me than “Mr. T.” I can’t remember his full name, but […]

03 Feb 2009

What Makes a Mentor?

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

About a month ago, I saw a tweet from Shel Holtz, ABC, that piqued my curiosity:


Not one to bridle said curiosity, I followed the link Shel provided and immediately signed up for the Mentorship Connection. Again, almost immediately, I was told (via e-mail) that I had been matched with a willing mentee: Nick Lucido – and now it was up to the two of us to connect and figure out how I could help Nick move towards his PR career goals.

What Nick and […]

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