
25 Sep 2010

When Clocks And Calendars Collide

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

My body clock jogs me awake.

The calendar turns to another day.

Fall sets in in the Western Hemisphere

telling me where and when I am.

My brain obediently responds,

yet my essence is tugged by the magnet of memory.

Genes tussle with mind


where I am

where I was

where I should be

where I cannot be.

Wavering temperatures, timidly-coppering leaves, are the here and now.

Monsoon relief and the onset of the festival season are the there and then.


18 Sep 2010

Spice on Demand

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes


to 10 frequently asked questions that I never have the presence of mind to come up with (the answers, not the questions).

So I decided to write them down, Letterman style.

Number 10

I have no idea how to get your cat down from the tree. I ran public relations for an animal welfare organization, not rescue services.

Number 9

What can you do for me? For starters, pay my mortgage, get me a BMW… oh, I see. That was a rhetorical question.

Number 8


By |Sep 18, 2010|Categories: Personal|Tags: , |3 Comments
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