
11 Jan 2010

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Yesterday this blog turned a year old. I’ve actually been doing this – sometimes not at all consistently, but I’ve hung in there – for a year.


I do want to share some thoughts on what I’ve been through as a new blogger, as well as call out some people without whom it wouldn’t have been possible, but right now, I’m going to share another milestone.

In four days, I’ll turn 40.

Yup, I thought I’d get a bigger reaction out of you with that one. Time flies when you’re having fun.

I don’t know if […]

07 Jan 2010

Why Elvis Is Always On My Mind

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Gulp. I jumped the gun. In my excitement over the King’s upcoming remembrance, I published this on January 7 when he was, in fact, born on January 8, 1935. So I’m editing the beginning of this post to reflect that accuracy, and apologize for my inaccuracy, or eagerness, whichever one makes you more likely to forgive me. The rest remains the same. Rock on, Elvis.

Tomorrow would have been Elvis Presley’s 75th birthday. And this is my tribute, admittedly a very tiny one, to someone who literally touched my life across […]

23 Dec 2009

Holiday Cards, PR and ROI

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Heads up: I ramble quite a bit through this post, so if you’re hell-bent on reading it, you might want to settle in with a cup of hot cocoa. On the plus side, there are some pretty pictures involved. Having said that, read on!

It’s two days until Christmas Day (which we do celebrate). Though I still have a lot of festive “stuff” to do, I’m not feeling as manic as I was yesterday.

That’s because I finally got our Christmas holiday cards out yesterday. And […]

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