This week I’ve been in Atlanta speaking at the Solo PR Summit (which was great, btw!). I know I haven’t been writing much lately, and I promise I will start to do that soon. But in the meantime, here’s a super cartoon from Sean Nicholson to kick off your weekend. This one’s for you, Mary Barber (inside joke, I’ll let you in if Mary says “OK”). Have a good one!
via Sean R. Nicholson on, CC 3.0
Howie Goldfarb I’ve seen some of my friends start to use it again!
wittlake ya. :(((
shonali Ouch. That’s a real :( !
wittlake ack. Shoulda been :). 1-handed typing b/c right arm in sling.
shonali frown?
wittlake True! :(
This cartoon is very eye-opening. It shows just how much society relies on social media to get a message across, even if it is just as simple as telling someone about a get together.
Life was so much easier when we all used Evite!