Shonali Burke

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About Shonali Burke

Founder and publisher of Waxing UnLyrical, Shonali Burke helps purpose-driven brands bring big ideas to life. She teaches at The Johns Hopkins University, has gone back to school herself with the Harvard Business Analytics Program, and is creator/lead instructor at The Social PR Virtuoso® online training hub , where ambitious PR pros learn how to unleash their inner Social PR superheroes. Owned by Lola the Basset Hound, she's mad about ABBA, bacon, cooking, dogs, and Elvis, though not necessarily in that order. Wouldn't you like to be in her kitchen?
06 Jan 2012

Three Time-wasters for Friday. Thank you, Facebook.

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Facebook is great for keeping in touch... and finding time-wasters from around the world. Here are three for your Friday merriment.

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