
14 Aug 2010

Bookmining on Twitter

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Stuck for reading material?

Image: David Pritchard, Creative Commons

Just ask your social networks for their recommendations.

I had a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble that was burning a hole in its sleeve.

I have a habit of using gift cards to get gifts for others, but this time I decided to treat myself.


Look at some of the great recommendations I got (and am still getting)

on Twitter:


09 Aug 2010

Five Things I Didn’t Expect About Alaska

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s been two weeks since my last blog post?

What in the world have I been up to?


I’ve wanted to write, truly. I just… got caught up with stuff… fell ill… went into my bubble

I know, I should stop with the excuses. And just try to do better.

What better way to come back from a “dry” spell than to share with you seven five things I didn’t expect to find about Alaska, following my trip there?

It’s incredibly […]

04 Jul 2010

Do You Know The Words To Your National Anthem?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Today will be the 11th year I mark Independence Day as a resident of the United States, and the third as a citizen.

But long before I became a citizen, or permanent resident, or had any idea my life would bring me to this country, I knew all the words to The Star-Spangled Banner.

Image: Still Burning, Creative Commons

You might think that’s a little odd for a girl from Calcutta (ok, Kolkata, though I’ll always call it “Cal”) who’s extremely proud of her Indian heritage.

But I […]

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