
26 Apr 2010

The Sales Pitch From Hell, And What Sales Can Learn From PR

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

A couple of months ago I received what has to count as the worst pitch/follow-up to me, to date.

Image: Thomas Hawk, Creative Commons

Surprise surprise, this wasn’t from a “PR person” or “flack;” you know the kind. It was from a sales assistant at a provider of chapter management services, which I was unlucky enough to receive because of my involvement with IABC/DC Metro.

Here’s what happened.

A lady (I’m just going to call her K__) person called me in February to talk about S__ (the company) as a replacement for […]

20 Apr 2010

What Darby Taught Me About PR

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

It was about a year ago that my husband’s family (and therefore mine) went through the traumatic experience of learning that one of the uncles tragically passed away very suddenly while on vacation abroad.

Dealing with death is never fun.

While the family started coming to terms with their loss, I tried to put my PR background to good use: to find our late uncle’s “orphaned” dog, Darby, a home, using social media.

If you’re just tuning in to the Darby saga, you can catch up on my posts from last year here, […]

16 Apr 2010

From Personal Relations to Public Relations

Estimated Reading Time: 41 seconds

I had the good fortune to be a presenter at Social Commerce Camp DC in February, thanks to Shashi Bellamkonda and Kikscore. As I was looking through my deck, it occurred to me it would probably make for a good series of posts on PR best practices for small businesses:

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