Shonali Burke

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About Shonali Burke

Founder and publisher of Waxing UnLyrical, Shonali Burke helps purpose-driven brands bring big ideas to life. She teaches at The Johns Hopkins University, has gone back to school herself with the Harvard Business Analytics Program, and is creator/lead instructor at The Social PR Virtuoso® online training hub , where ambitious PR pros learn how to unleash their inner Social PR superheroes. Owned by Lola the Basset Hound, she's mad about ABBA, bacon, cooking, dogs, and Elvis, though not necessarily in that order. Wouldn't you like to be in her kitchen?
24 Apr 2015

Tips on Measuring Community [April #measurePR Recap]

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

How do you go about measuring community? That was the focus of the April #measurePR chat with's Rosemary O'Neill and Solo PR Pro's Kellye Crane.

17 Apr 2015

Content Marketing: Without Community, It’s Only Half the Equation

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Pinterest for content marketing (someecard)If there’s one thing you take away from today’s post on content marketing, please let it be this: just because you build it, doesn’t mean they’ll come.

Content Marketing: a scenario

Scene: your client is super-excited about its new content marketing program (that you’ve been hired to design, and implement). You’re super-excited too – content, new client, money… what’s not to love?

So you put it together. You spent the first few months creating great blog content (in your opinion, and let’s assume, for the sake of […]

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