
18 Aug 2010

Measurement Smarts… Or Mata Hari?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are we smart about measurement… or unwittingly being Mata Hari?

Image: Bob Bobster, Creative Commons

Yesterday’s #measurePR chat was VERY interesting.

Philip Sheldrake of Influence Crowd was our guest, and we focused on the ethics of measurement; here’s a recent post that tells you how and why he came to be on the show, er, chat.

Before I could get to it, Philip wrote up a great recap of the chat, so I’m not going to try to improve on what’s already […]

11 Aug 2010

The Marketing that Took “Jersey Shore” From Zero To Hero

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest post by Dea Surjadi

First of all, I don’t watch Jersey Shore and I’m not suggesting that you should.

I like Top Chef, Mad Men, and that’s it.

The second season of Jersey Shore premiered a couple of weeks ago. The show apparently isn’t all about six packs, orange skins, and drama.

Nielsen ratings confirm about 5.3 million viewers tuned in that Thursday night. Apparently it’s the best season premiere since the season 2 launch of The Osbournes in 2002.

It’s also about what could […]

18 Jul 2010

From Old Spice’s Nose To Dilbert’s Ears

Estimated Reading Time: 49 seconds

Was Old Spice Guy responsible for today’s Dilbert strip?

More than enough has been written about the campaign; I don’t have to chime in. But you might enjoy reading a few posts that I thought provided a slightly different take on the campaign:


16 Jun 2010

How Edmund Cude Uses Mobile to Rent Apartments

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

While we were walking around St. John’s Wood, London, a few months ago, I came across this sign.

I hadn’t seen anything like that before, at least in the U.S., so I did a double-take. When you think about it, though, it makes perfect sense. Texting is on the rise among “older people” in the U.K., as reported by MediaWeek a while back:

The research claims texting is becoming more prevalent among older people, with 44% of 35 to 44-year-olds and 14% of 45-plus ages sending more than 30 text […]

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