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23 Sep 2009

DC Conference Mania

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are two great events coming up in DC next week that I’m really looking forward to. Here’s my not-so-subtle pitch for you to come and be a part of them, if your schedule and wallet allow, because I think they’re smart conferences for smart people to attend.

The first is the Grow Smart Business conference on Tuesday, Sept. 29 (you’ll have noticed my blog’s been sporting the badge recently). I was lucky enough to be invited to it and I can’t wait to hear from Chris […]

05 Aug 2009

You, Who?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

You know how, sometimes, you’re reading a conference line-up, trying to decide whether you’ll attend or not, and you see a name you’ve never seen, or heard, before? Happens to me every now and then. I like to think I know more than a few people in our “biz,” but sometimes I can’t help but go, “You, who?”

Yes, I get excited by events that are being headlined by the rock stars of our industry, or the folks I call the “WHOs.” These are the folks who – at least to […]

29 May 2009

Pulling My Talking Shoes Out

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

I should probably have done this earlier. Don’t they say something about better late than never?

Right, then. I have a hectic couple of weeks coming up with no less than four conferences in two weeks (probably baby food for some, but for me, that’s a lot). If you’re going to be at any, I’d love to say hello in person.

June 3 is PRNews’ PR Measurement Conference at DC’s National Press Club, which I’m really looking forward to because it’s on… you guessed it, measurement. I’ve been to several […]

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