dora smith

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08 Sep 2010

Seven Steps To A Better Twitter Daily

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

I first heard about via Gautam Ghosh on Facebook a few weeks (or was it a month?) ago.

It looked cool, but I didn’t really start playing with it until last week, and when I Amplify’d Neville Hobson’s excellent assessment of it.

If you’re not already using it, I think you should check it out. IMHO.

What is

Much has already been written about what is, so I won’t bore you with too many details.


10 Mar 2009

To ABC or Not, That is the Question

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

A couple of weeks ago we started talking about accreditation on Twitter (at least, I did). I serve on IABC’s Accreditation Council so, clearly, think it’s a good thing. I was curious about what others thought, so I asked my networks why they had pursued, or were pursuing, accreditation, and what value they derived from it.

What’s the Value of Accreditation?

The response overwhelmed me, not just by how many there were, but by how strongly people feel about accreditation.

There were […]

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