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14 Apr 2010

Making A Big Noise

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

I have some big news (well, for me) to announce today. Starting tomorrow, I’m thrilled that Narciso Tovar, principal of Big Noise Communications that runs on Method+Moxie (you should read it if you’re not already doing so), will be writing a monthly guest post for this blog. My (and yours) very first columnist!


As is wont to happen in this age of digital media, Narciso and I have never actually met (IRL).

We got to know each other on Twitter, and I’ve enjoyed reading […]

20 Jan 2010

The Scorsese School of PR

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Narciso Tovar

Filmmakers come and go.

Some have the staying power to make a real career out of it, while most fizzle out after a few films.

As a lead player in cinema, until you’ve earned some street cred in the business, studios and executives look for any kind of upward trend in your work – even though you were well-received in your last feature, you could very well tank (hard) in your next flick.

This is why veterans always tell newcomers that you’re only as good as your […]