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17 May 2010

PR Pros: Protect What Is Important

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Narciso Tovar

One of the things I love about Eddie is that he is both lovable and loyal.

He’s never really met a human that he doesn’t love, while, at the same time, he’s never backed down from the ”˜monsters’ behind the front door… at least until they come inside.

And even though Eddie is great about loving family and strangers once we invite them in, his initial reaction to protecting the family is what impresses me.

There’s a lesson for PR professionals here: Protect What’s Important.

Your Client’s Reputation


14 Apr 2010

Making A Big Noise

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

I have some big news (well, for me) to announce today. Starting tomorrow, I’m thrilled that Narciso Tovar, principal of Big Noise Communications that runs on Method+Moxie (you should read it if you’re not already doing so), will be writing a monthly guest post for this blog. My (and yours) very first columnist!


As is wont to happen in this age of digital media, Narciso and I have never actually met (IRL).

We got to know each other on Twitter, and I’ve enjoyed reading […]

20 Jan 2010

The Scorsese School of PR

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Narciso Tovar

Filmmakers come and go.

Some have the staying power to make a real career out of it, while most fizzle out after a few films.

As a lead player in cinema, until you’ve earned some street cred in the business, studios and executives look for any kind of upward trend in your work – even though you were well-received in your last feature, you could very well tank (hard) in your next flick.

This is why veterans always tell newcomers that you’re only as good as your […]