Guest Contributors

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So far Guest Contributor has created 374 blog entries.
02 Nov 2017

#measurePR Recap (October 2017): How Gender Bias Affects the Bottom-Line

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

In October, Jen Zingsheim Phillips spoke with Angie Jeffrey about the issue of gender bias in advertising and how measurement of gender bias can affect PR.

10 May 2017

#measurePR Recap (April 2017): Measuring Financial Communications

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

On April 13th, #measurePR focused on measuring financial communications with Serena Ehrlich, Keosha Burns, Erica Hurtt, Elise Perkins, and Howard Williams.

28 Mar 2017

#measurePR Recap (March 2017): Celebrating Women Who Kick Major #measurePR Butt

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

In March, the #measurePR Twitter chat featured female PR measurement superstars including Heidi Sullivan, Angela Sinickas, Rebekah Iliff, Dawn Buzynski, and Aly Saxe.

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