Career Development

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01 Apr 2010

On The Hunt? Jobs That Might Leave You Gobsmacked

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Note: if you don’t read all the way through this post before jumping to put in your application, you may indeed be in danger of being gobsmacked (image: Clint Bohn, Creative Commons).

Job hunters with a yen for clean speak might find this interesting:

Director of Communications, the Ronald Wilson Reagan Hand Sanitizer Project, Washington, DC

Foundation seeks Director of Communications to develop and implement strategic goal of having every hand sanitizer in the United States named after Our Greatest President while promoting healthy habits. Duties include strategic planning across all […]

19 Feb 2010

Help These PR Pros Find A Job

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

Update: please scroll down to see several more HAPPOers – the afternoon edition of this post. Again – these are all wonderful people who have unique skills and personalities – so if, while you’re reading their bios and posts, you can think of a connection that will help them – do make it. It’s social karma. Thank you!

I wrote earlier about why I’m participating in #HAPPO, so I won’t bore you with those details again (but if you need a refresher, the post is here).

Since today’s the […]

09 Feb 2010

Help A PR Pro Out: The Michael Clendenin Edition

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

I know I’ve been talking (or having other folks talk) about job hunting, do’s and don’ts, etc., quite a bit lately. Honestly, I can’t help it; given this blog is all about “personal” musings on our business and our lives, it really is a reflection of what’s going on with, in, and around me.

Even though I’m not looking for a job myself, I’ve been helped countless times by both friends and strangers (who then become friends… what a wonderful world!) when I have been in the market – and […]

02 Feb 2010

Job-hunting Long Distance? Five Do’s and Don’ts To Jumpstart Your Search

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

Job-hunting’s still very much on people’s minds, judging by the number of emails I get – and, I’m sure, you do as well. As I was reading Chuck Hemann’s fabulous guest post from yesterday on how to land a job in social media, as well as Thursday Bram’s post on online networking over at Women Grow Business, I thought I’d share what I’ve learned about job-hunting long-distance – because that’s what I did when I moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to the nation’s capital.

1. With an […]

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