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13 Jul 2010

How The UK’s NHS Broke Into Social Media

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes

Guest post by Bryce Keane

Reaching out… touching me… touching you…

Over the past month, much like the many months before it, I have been listening to and absorbing a wide variety of stories on social media and how various brands are using it – for better or worse – to reach out to new audiences.

I happened to be browsing one of the UK’s preeminent social media news outlets (and a personal favorite of mine for breaking stories in the world of social media […]

08 Jul 2010

Looking At Social Media Value The WIIFM Way

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

I came across an interesting post on the value of a Facebook fan today, via Todd van Hoosear and Dave Fleet (h/t to both of you).

Augie Ray, who posited this on Forrester’s blog, said:

It is a question I hear several times a week:  What is the value of a Facebook Fan?  I’ve seen answers ranging from $136.38 to $3.60.  I can’t blame vendors, agencies and consultants for trying to answer the question — the hunger from […]

02 Jul 2010

How Do You Say “Good Morning”?

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the most important things you can do in social media is to say, “Good morning.”

Image: Mahesh Khanna, Creative Commons

It’s amazing who will respond, and what they’ll respond with.

Chuck Hester, for example, puts out a daily CHUCKle. Like this one from a few days ago:

Heh heh.

Today I saw Mike Schaffer saying, “Good morning, good morning to you,” which immediately reminded me of the song from “Singing […]

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