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04 Sep 2010

Are You Happy?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

A few days ago, I was on the phone with with someone very dear to me; someone I respect as a professional, and am proud to call friend.

She recently launched her own business, which she was very excited about.

This was her dream. She quit her job to pursue the dream. She is ostensibly living the dream.

But talking to me the other day about her business, she said, “I’m not happy.”

That stopped me in my tracks.

This is someone who is full of life, always has a good thing to say […]

31 Aug 2010

Taking A Bow On BNET

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Exactly a week ago, something really really really good happened to/for me.

Even though I couldn’t officially spill the beans, I had to tell my friends (of course).

They were equally happy for me and, I suspect, a little frustrated that it would take me a week to come clean. This was my Facebook post that day:

A week hence

Now, that day has come, and I can officially tell you…

Today marks my debut as a […]

25 Aug 2010

Five Productivity Tools for PR Pros

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes

A few months ago, I wrote a piece on communicating effectively with a virtual workforce for IABC’s monthly e-zine, CW Bulletin.

You see, I’ve been there, done that.

Silent Night

The night was silent. So silent that she could almost hear the dark, as it enveloped her in its belly.

“It’s time,” she heard it whisper.

She turned just a smidgeon, but enough to allow her to press the pillow just a tad closer to her ears in an effort to block out Dark’s unwelcome reminder.

“It’s time,” she heard […]

20 Aug 2010

Business Bootcamp for PR Pros: Network With a Twist

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

On networking for business

We see, hear, read ad nauseam about how we should network to grow our businesses.

Image: USACE Europe District, Creative Commons

Too often, though, I think people take that to mean going to innumerable tweetups, happy hours and the ilk. I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve seen over-commit themselves to multiple networking events on the same night.

The end result is usually that they’re tired, over-extend themselves which they later regret, and sometimes do things they later […]

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