
20 Sep 2010

Fox and Klout Give Social Media Swag Bags

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

I watched the pilot episode of Lone Star last night (it debuts tonight on Fox, 9/8 Central).

I was able to do this 24 hours ahead of time because I was apparently identified as one of a group of Klout influencers who were eligible for “Klout perks.”

Klout partnered with Fox to send Lone Star goodie bags to said influencers ahead of the show’s official premier, to…

… well, you can hazard a guess why.

So here’s what was in […]

23 Aug 2010

I’m Not A Twit Or A Twerp, I’m A Tweep

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Catching up on my RSS reader (I’m woefully behind), I came across this post from Dirk Singer’s Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

It looks at an eMarketer assessment of why regular Twitter users, though relatively small in number (when you compare them to Internet users overall), make the platform I love – and many still love to hate – important:


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