
13 Sep 2010

Get PR Measurement Off The Island

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Seeing as how I’ve been ill for the last several days (sinus infection, burn on arm, you don’t want to go there), my blogging took a back seat to lying on the couch (or bed), feeling sorry for myself and immersed in a Lost marathon.

Image: Flickr user Bart, CC 2.0

No, I didn’t watch it when it was on the air. And I’m kinda-sorta happy about that, because I don’t know if I would have been able to put up with […]

01 Sep 2010

Social Media ROI v. Impact: Don’t Confuse The Two

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

What exactly is ROI?

What is social media ROI?

Image: Mark Smiciklas via Flickr, CC 2.0

Is ROI or “impact” more important? Or are they equally important?

Should companies starting out in social media be concerned about ROI?

These were the questions we discussed on yesterday’s #measurePR chat with Don Bartholomew, aka @donbart.


27 Aug 2010

The MetricsMan Comes To #measurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

What’s a Twitter chat on measurement without a Metrics Man?

Fortunately, Don Bartholomew of Fleishman-Hillard – whom you may know as @donbart on Twitter – will rectify that this coming Tuesday, when he joins us to chat about social media “ROI.”

Ah, ROI.

If there’s a term that strikes more dread into the hearts of PR pros than the words “Child Catcher” did to those of Caractacus Potts and Truly Scrumptious… well, I haven’t come across it yet.

Whaaa? “Who’s the Child Catcher?”

18 Aug 2010

Measurement Smarts… Or Mata Hari?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are we smart about measurement… or unwittingly being Mata Hari?

Image: Bob Bobster, Creative Commons

Yesterday’s #measurePR chat was VERY interesting.

Philip Sheldrake of Influence Crowd was our guest, and we focused on the ethics of measurement; here’s a recent post that tells you how and why he came to be on the show, er, chat.

Before I could get to it, Philip wrote up a great recap of the chat, so I’m not going to try to improve on what’s already […]

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