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25 May 2010

Mumbai and Montreal: Connected At The Hip

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

As you read this, I’ll be dashing to the airport to take off for Montréal.

Wikipedia tells me it’s famous for being one of the “world’s most livable cities” as well as Canada’s cultural capital. I remember it fondly as the home of Cirque du Soleil (a one-time client; image: Naoki Nakashima, Creative Commons) and one of the most charming cities I’ve ever visited… all of eight years ago.

So it’s with a great deal of anticipation that I’m heading there today, to speak at […]

24 May 2010

How To Lose A Girl With One Tweet

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

A few days ago, my pal Geoff Livingston tagged me in his meme, Ways to Increase Your Twitter Following Ethically.

When Geoff tags, you play (image: ClintJCL‘s Flickrstream, Creative Commons). But given the folks I was tagged with, such as Ike Pigott, John Haydon, Lauren Vargas, Allyson Kapin and Shashi Bellamkonda, all of whom I hold in high regard, I was left scratching my head as to how I could contribute without being repetitive.

Today, I had the perfect experience to […]

09 May 2010

To Mama, With Love

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

With all the noise leading up to Mother’s Day, it was interesting to learn (to me, at least) that it’s not really a Hallmark holiday. At least, that’s not how it started.

White carnations

A certain Anna Jarvis, who hailed from Webster, W. Va., created the holiday as we know it in memory of her mother, though there are several historical precedents to honoring one’s mother.

She was initially laughed at, ridiculed and generally mocked, but she persevered and the day became a reality in 1914.

Old Anna was not […]

22 Apr 2010

Why “Like” Is a Four-Letter Word

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Like” is the four-letter word that outdoes them all.

I’ve been trying to figure out why I reacted so strongly to Facebook’s announcement that their “like” button is the new green.

OK, they didn’t exactly say that, but that’s what it amounts to, doesn’t it?

From now on, you won’t be able to “fan” a page on Facebook, you’ll “like” it. (Hello, Mashable, didn’t you get the memo?) You won’t become the fan of a brand, you’ll “like” it.

Image: Alba Danés, Creative Commons

When you go to, […]

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