Seeing as how Valentine’s Day is around the corner, the Birdie and I thought we’d focus this edition of the Monday Roundup on seven people who contribute extensively to the practice of PR today (in some cases, indirectly). So I’m taking advantage of WUL to shine the social media spotlight on them. If you don’t know them, check them out, and start learning from/talking to them. If you do know them, well then, leave them a pat on the back below!
Side note: it may or may not be slightly problematic that the Birdie is starting to tell me what to do… but I should have thought of that before creating her.
Image: photommo via Flickr, CC 2.0
1. Jodi Echakowitz.
If you haunt any of the PR hashtags on Twitter, chances are you’ve come across Jodi. She’s been active in SM since the early days, and I finally got to meet her in person at the SoloPR Summit last year. What you may not know about Jodi is that she is a kick-a$$ business owner, and has been for many years. So while you should absolutely follow her for PR-related nuggets, you could also learn a lot from her on growing a business, should you be in that camp.
2. Adam Toporek.
I got to know Adam several years ago through social media, and then encountered him and His Lovely Wife (he doesn’t capitalize it, I do) in Orlando not long thereafter. What impresses me about Adam is not just his kindness and work ethic, but how committed he is to sterling customer service. That has a huge impact on PR, so if you don’t already know him, check out his blog and podcast at Customers That Stick. And definitely sign up for his newsletter, it’s a great way to start your week.
3. Bess Winston.
By her own admission, Bess isn’t (yet) a social media butterfly, but this lady has a resume that packs quite a punch. I had the pleasure of speaking on a panel with her last week, and was blown away by not just how smart she is, but how impressive she is as a speaker. Bess recently launched her The Winston Agency, and if I were you, I’d keep on eye on what she’s doing, where she’s going, and what she’s saying.
4. Ken Jacobs.
I was trying to find a nice way of saying “Ken’s been around a long time,” but couldn’t. So I figured I’d just come out and say it. The thing is, in his case I really mean it as a compliment, because there are not a lot of folk who can not just exist in an industry, but excel in it, for 25 years. His new company, Jacobs Executive Coaching, focuses on teaching agency executives and leaders how to lead (sounds easy, but it isn’t). He is ardently dedicated to the betterment of the industry, and is one of the nicest people I know.
5. Kristie Aylett.
Kristie isn’t exactly an “unknown,” but I don’t think she gets as much of the social spotlight as she deserves. Also someone I’ve interacted with online for years and met at the 2014 SoloPR Summit, she’s rock solid in her approach to PR and measurement. Who could resist that? I’m still chortling at her “people who get measurement get called BOSS” line from last week’s #measurePR chat!
A5: what do you call a PR pro with math skills? Answer: Boss. #measurepr
”” Kristie Aylett, APR (@KristK) February 3, 2015
6. Joel Don.
Joel keeps a fairly low profile on Twitter, but comes up with all sorts of goodies in a Facebook group we both belong to. He’s been around both sides of the block (he’s been a reporter and worked for Gateway Computers, remember them? My first laptop was a Gateway, and I loved it!) and knows what he’s talking about. In fact, he’s one of the people who spends far more time actually working in social as opposed to just talking about it. Plus he skies and scuba dives, so I’m a little scared of him.
Lorraine is just one of the loveliest people I’ve come across. I met her at the SoloPR Summit, then at an engagement in Cleveland. She has a clarity and honesty of purpose that may not be rare as such, but it is rare when people aren’t afraid of showing it. In addition to founding and running Prosper for Purpose, she also has a vintage clothing store on Etsy, so I know where I’ll be spending my free time.
Why don’t we start a #payitforward chain, by shining the light on people who deserve it, but perhaps don’t get as much of it as they should? Please tell me who you’d like to give a shout-out to via a comment (or several) below, and let’s start getting to know them. Ready? Go!
MartinaMcGowan Thank you for sharing, Martina! It’s been a while, how are you?
samemac You rock, Sam. I’m always impressed by what you do. Can’t wait to hear how your talk at SouthernMiss goes today.
TheJackB Ha!
shonali Well after you survived the Spin Sucks inquisition how could I not. ;)
JasMollica You are probably one of the nicest people I know. Thank you! cc shonali
KirkHazlett I saw your note on FB. :) Stay as warm as possible! dbreakenridge corinamanea
shonali dbreakenridge corinamanea OK so far! Smooth, but looong, commute, Shonali. Hoping the T’s back to “normal.” Hope you’re well!
shonali I would shine the #socialmedia spotlight back on samemac. She’s a bright pro and always does great work! Great woman, too!
KirkHazlett How are you doing today, Kirk? dbreakenridge corinamanea
shonali search engine for people, new way of social media marketing
JasMollica So who’d you shine a #socialmedia spotlight on, Jason – someone who doesn’t always get it as much as they should? samemac
TheJackB Thanks so much for sharing!
shonali samemac You both are way too kind. Thanks.. you both inspire me. :)
dbreakenridge shonali corinamanea Thanks so much! Plugging away the best we can!
KirkHazlett Too much snow and ice! Sending you warm thoughts and sunshine :) shonali corinamanea
KirkHazlett shonali dbreakenridge Except for the snow, I hope you will have fun Kirk.
KirkHazlett Oh boy. dbreakenridge corinamanea
shonali dbreakenridge corinamanea Back to school tomorrow…online crisis comms class tonight. Fun ‘n games! And more snow ahead.
KirkHazlett Blush away, but stay warm. 6 feet of snow. I can’t even FATHOM that. dbreakenridge corinamanea
samemac Oh JasMollica is a GREAT call! He is so sincere about our industry and so honest and kind to boot.
shonali I would add JasMollica! He continues to inspire and serve as a resource for students and professionals.
ShellyKramer TYSM for sharing yesterday’s #WUL post, Shell!
shonali dbreakenridge corinamanea Blushing here in Boston. Thank you sooo much! But you folks are the superstars…you are all AWESOME!!
corinamanea Thanks and you just put a big smile on my face :) shonali KirkHazlett
shonali Thank you, Shonali! KirkHazlett corinamanea
shonali dbreakenridge KirkHazlett Agreed Shonali.
‘shonali My pleasure!
dbreakenridge KirkHazlett What I love about both of you is your sheer joy of engaging with your subject matter. Right corinamanea?
ProsperPurpose Totally my pleasure, rainewrites is #amazeballs
mmangen bowden2bowden leaderswest TYSM for sharing yesterday’s #socialmedia spotlight post!
KirkHazlett Thank you and I’m a student who never wants to leave the classroom. Thanks f/ all you’ve taught me! corinamanea shonali
corinamanea Thank you, Corina, that’s really nice of you to say! shonali KirkHazlett
shonali Pleasure!
shespeaksup TYVM for sharing!
@KirkHazlett What nonsense! I completely agree with corinamanea! And of course, dbreakenridge is brilliant AND kind.
corinamanea shonali dbreakenridge You’re too kind, Corina. Deirdre…definitely! I’m still learning!! :-)
shonali I would add dbreakenridge and KirkHazlett. They do so much for the future generations.
I’d like to shine a spotlight on four folks who happen to be our mutual friends. I’ve learned a ton about social media from them, they’ve been very generous with their time and knowledge, and appear to find me entertaining: ginidietrich DannyBrown @LisaGerber @DeirdreBreakenridge
@joeldon You’re so welcome! JodiEchakowitz adamtoporek rainewrites KristK KensViews BessWin
LorraineSchuchart You’re so welcome! I’d love to know who you’d shine the spotlight on – oh, there’s your daughter, for one … remind me of her Twitter handle/social profiles? Who else?
KensViews You’re very welcome! Who would you shine the spotlight on, Ken? Let’s share the love. :)
kathikruse corinamanea rhogroupee leaderswest TYSM for sharing! Who’d you add to that list, who needs the #socialmedia spotlight?
Whoa! RT shonali: Happy Early Valentine’s Day JodiEchakowitz adamtoporek rainewrites KristK KensViews BessWin!
I am honored and grateful to make the list and so happy to learn about the other people you mentioned!
Not sure what to say other than thank you!!