
24 May 2010

How To Lose A Girl With One Tweet

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

A few days ago, my pal Geoff Livingston tagged me in his meme, Ways to Increase Your Twitter Following Ethically.

When Geoff tags, you play (image: ClintJCL‘s Flickrstream, Creative Commons). But given the folks I was tagged with, such as Ike Pigott, John Haydon, Lauren Vargas, Allyson Kapin and Shashi Bellamkonda, all of whom I hold in high regard, I was left scratching my head as to how I could contribute without being repetitive.

Today, I had the perfect experience to […]

05 Apr 2010

Announcing #wgbiz Chats: Conversations By, For and Of Women in Business

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Apparently some of our menfolk still don’t get this, but if there’s one thing we know -and love – about ourselves, it’s that we women like to talk.

(Image: Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Creative Commons)

We do a lot of that over at Women Grow Business, of which I’m editor, which is what makes it fun, don’t you think? Apart from useful, of course (and I hope you think it’s useful!).

Well, now we’re taking that to another level.

On April 12, we’re kicking off our very first Twitterchat for the #wgbiz community, which […]

30 Mar 2010

The Terrible Twos: Keeping Up With #measurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

RunningWhen I started the bi-weekly #measurePR chat on Twitter last month, I had no idea how it would do.

Yes, I could tell there was a need for it (conversations in several chats I sat in on turned in the measurement direction), and yes, I’ve done a little work in the area – but even if you hope and plan till the cows come home, you never really know if they’ll deliver the milk, do you?

OK, that’s my terrible analogy for the day.

Taken […]

10 Mar 2010

3 Questions to Ask – and Answer – When Launching a Twitter Chat

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

As founder of the #measurePR Twitter chat, I was invited to, and participated in, #chatmixer last night (party image, David Domingo, Creative Commons).

The idea was to bring together folks who routinely participate in specific chats, in an online/Twitter “mixer,” in an effort to widen their Twitter circles (would that be Twircles?) – hence the choice of #chatmixer as a hashtag. Truth be told, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, though Justin Goldsborough, Heather Whaling and Valerie Simon […]

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