The Blog: Waxing UnLyrical

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10 May 2017

#measurePR Recap (April 2017): Measuring Financial Communications

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

On April 13th, #measurePR focused on measuring financial communications with Serena Ehrlich, Keosha Burns, Erica Hurtt, Elise Perkins, and Howard Williams.

02 May 2017

Cyberbullying: My Week on LinkedIn

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

About a week ago, I posited what I thought was a fairly innocuous question on LinkedIn:

LinkedIn question

It got a few interesting responses, which was great; I was, after all, asking a question. That was about a week ago.

Suddenly, over this past weekend, the number of views had crossed 10,000.

Oh my, I thought to myself. I guess this is hitting a chord with a lot of people.

Little did I know just how much.

Because, at the time of this writing, that innocuous question has garnered more than 50,000 views, close to 200 comments, and …

… a LOT of […]

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