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20 Mar 2010

Manifesting the Sabbath

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Those of you to whom I talk on Twitter, Facebook, email, etc., know that I’ve been keeping crazy hours lately. There’s just a lot going on and sometimes I need to catch up on work (that isn’t affected by when I do it) after hours.

The things I could tell you about the “6 week body” and isn’t Kevin Trudeau tired of being on TV only at 2 a.m.?

Not my preferred mode of work, believe me – I enjoy sleeping far too much, plus I think it’s an extremely […]

15 Mar 2010

3 Ways To Use Your Email Signature to Market Yourself

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Note: this is cross-posted from IMA Voices, a client blog to which I occasionally (and with full disclosure) contribute. It’s re-posted here with minor changes to make it relevant to PR professionals.

Remember how, in the “old” days, folks would “call on” others and, if they weren’t at home, they’d leave their calling card behind?

I haven’t been able to find an academic reference to it, but it makes sense that the modern-day practice of exchanging business cards stems from there. And even in this highly electronic day and age, […]

26 Jan 2010

Getting on Board with Women Grow Business

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Thanks to my (wonderful) friends, this particular cat got out of the bag before I could untie the strings, so I’m going to make this short and sweet (though I’ve been dying to tell you for a while): I’m really excited to be taking over the reins at Women Grow Business, an amazing community hosted by Network Solutions to help women do exactly that: grow their business.

With content from leading women entrepreneurs on a variety of subjects, Women Grow Business has really made […]

30 Dec 2009

Digital Divide Continues – eMarketer

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

This is pretty interesting – according to a study by the Internet Innovation Alliance, only 42% of African-American and Hispanic consumers use the Internet regularly.

What might change that? The article reads:

“It is very telling that of those respondents who do not have Internet access, 43 percent cited either not knowing how to use the Internet or not seeing the need for the Internet as the reason why they are not online,” said Internet Innovation Alliance co-chairman David Sutphen, in a statement.

“But interestingly, 44 percent of these same respondents said […]

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