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15 Sep 2010

How Social Media Changed My Life… Really

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

Guest post by Bryce Keane

Note I did not pay him to write any of the below, though I sure am grateful for it.

I know you’ve all heard this one before.

The Comms/PR person discussing the infinite merits of social media like it’s the second coming.

But bear with me. This is the story behind my monthly stories from here in London. And this fantastic blog plays a critical part, both cause and effect, in […]

08 Sep 2010

Seven Steps To A Better Twitter Daily

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

I first heard about via Gautam Ghosh on Facebook a few weeks (or was it a month?) ago.

It looked cool, but I didn’t really start playing with it until last week, and when I Amplify’d Neville Hobson’s excellent assessment of it.

If you’re not already using it, I think you should check it out. IMHO.

What is

Much has already been written about what is, so I won’t bore you with too many details.


07 Sep 2010

Want Social Media Evangelizers? Be Social

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

Today BNET published my second post, focusing on how companies can use social media to turn customers into evangelizers.

Who’s in customer service?

I’m not a customer service “professional.”

We all are

But the truth is, we’re all in customer service, regardless of what our job function is. And while Craig Newmark may have made that concept popular, he didn’t invent it.

I’ve written before about how customer service can take PR from good to great. […]

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