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05 May 2010

MeasurePR: WTTranscript?!*&!

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes


It’s been over a week since the last #measurePR chat, and you’ve probably been looking for the transcript.

Well, thanks to WTHashtag, I haven’t been able to post the transcript, because it missed a significant portion of the tweets.

I know. That’s the price of free, right?

I did manage to capture screen shots of the chat via TwitterSearch, but they’re not in chronological order… well, they’re in reverse chronological order, which means you’ll have to read them down → up, instead of up → down… and you’ll have to read […]

26 Apr 2010

The Sales Pitch From Hell, And What Sales Can Learn From PR

Estimated Reading Time: 10 minutes

A couple of months ago I received what has to count as the worst pitch/follow-up to me, to date.

Image: Thomas Hawk, Creative Commons

Surprise surprise, this wasn’t from a “PR person” or “flack;” you know the kind. It was from a sales assistant at a provider of chapter management services, which I was unlucky enough to receive because of my involvement with IABC/DC Metro.

Here’s what happened.

A lady (I’m just going to call her K__) person called me in February to talk about S__ (the company) as a replacement for […]

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