Public Relations

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23 Dec 2009

Holiday Cards, PR and ROI

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

Heads up: I ramble quite a bit through this post, so if you’re hell-bent on reading it, you might want to settle in with a cup of hot cocoa. On the plus side, there are some pretty pictures involved. Having said that, read on!

It’s two days until Christmas Day (which we do celebrate). Though I still have a lot of festive “stuff” to do, I’m not feeling as manic as I was yesterday.

That’s because I finally got our Christmas holiday cards out yesterday. And […]

17 Dec 2009

Looking Back, Looking Ahead: IABC/Washington’s January Chapter Meeting

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

I know it must seem like IABC/Washington‘s the only thing on my mind at present – I assure you it’s not. But I did want to let you know about what I think will be a terrific event as we usher in 2010. And given how crazy the holidays get, I wanted to get the word out earlier rather than later.

Our first chapter meeting next year will bring together some of the smartest people in the DC metro area to look at the changes (often dramatic) that our business has seen […]

03 Dec 2009

Lessons Learned From the Obama Campaign

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Now that I’ve been back in D.C. for a few weeks after the PRSA 2009 International Conference, I finally find myself sitting down to reflect on a couple of the sessions I attended. This is mostly because I wanted to be able to do so thoughtfully, and not rush through my posts.

The first of these was “President Obama and the Citizens’ Campaign: Lessons Learned,” which was conducted by Mike Smith of […]

19 Nov 2009

Google on PR

Estimated Reading Time: 40 seconds

Lee Odden gets complete credit for this post, title and all. I was catching up on my reading when I saw his post on what Google thinks of social media, SEO and advertising. You’ve got to read it, it’s great.

I couldn’t resist experimenting with what Google “thinks” of PR.

And then I tried “public relations.”

Oh well. At least some people are asking why what we do is important. Now we just need to get everyone to believe it.

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