Social Media

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23 Jul 2010

Of Early Adopters, Tenons and Henry Wood

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“Technically mocking isn’t a sport… yet… though I have made a proposal for the 2020 Olympic games.” ~ Brian Meeks

This is the final post in a three-part interview with Brian Meeks, who goes by the moniker “Extremely Average.” In Part I, Brian talked about why woodworking makes him a better writer, and stinking in the dark room. Part II saw him discussing why he hasn’t decided whether or not Mrs. Johnson was evil. My questions continue:

Tell me a little […]

08 Jul 2010

Looking At Social Media Value The WIIFM Way

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

I came across an interesting post on the value of a Facebook fan today, via Todd van Hoosear and Dave Fleet (h/t to both of you).

Augie Ray, who posited this on Forrester’s blog, said:

It is a question I hear several times a week:  What is the value of a Facebook Fan?  I’ve seen answers ranging from $136.38 to $3.60.  I can’t blame vendors, agencies and consultants for trying to answer the question — the hunger from […]

24 Jun 2010

From “Check” to “Checkmate”

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today I had the pleasure of presenting a webinar for Ragan Communications, on smart communication strategy in the digital age.

This is a topic I speak on pretty often, and the more I do it, the more I’m convinced about something:

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

So now we have social media tools at our disposal. So what? The thinking behind good communication doesn’t – or shouldn’t – change.

If you have your fundamentals right (i.e. goals, measurable objectives, strategy, tactics), then all you really […]

24 May 2010

How To Lose A Girl With One Tweet

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

A few days ago, my pal Geoff Livingston tagged me in his meme, Ways to Increase Your Twitter Following Ethically.

When Geoff tags, you play (image: ClintJCL‘s Flickrstream, Creative Commons). But given the folks I was tagged with, such as Ike Pigott, John Haydon, Lauren Vargas, Allyson Kapin and Shashi Bellamkonda, all of whom I hold in high regard, I was left scratching my head as to how I could contribute without being repetitive.

Today, I had the perfect experience to […]

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