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06 Nov 2009

Tweetup… A Pocketful of Rainbows

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

I told you a couple of days ago about #shonalitweetup that’s being organized around PRSA2009. Now I’m really excited that we’ve added another layer to what I know is going to be a great evening and will, I hope, help an extremely worthy fund raising effort meet its goal.

We’ve partnered with 12for12K to help one of its charities, Musicians on Call. If you’re active in the social media world, you’re already familiar with 12for12K and Danny Brown, the […]

04 Nov 2009

Tweetupin’ a Storm in San Diego

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Disclosure: no one’s asked me to write this post, and I’m sure not getting paid for it, but I do thank sponsors of a certain event coming up. Now that you know all that… read on.

I don’t know what’s gotten into everyone lately, it’s tweetup this, tweetup that… oh wait, it’s that whole thing about moving your online relationships offline. My bad.

So in a few days, when I head to San Diego for PRSA 2009, I have not one, not two, but four tweetups to try to attend… […]

22 Sep 2009

Job Hunting? Give JobShouts a Holler

Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes

I came across JobShouts the way I seem to come across many new things these days: on Twitter. I’m not looking for a job (hey, my boss is very good to me), but I know many people who are, and for them, it’s definitely worth investigating.

According to its website, JobShouts is “no longer just a job board in the traditional sense,” but “a job search engine integrated with social media, helping to create connections and deliver better matching results for both employers and job seekers.”

Basically, you […]

10 Sep 2009

“Demystifying Communication…

Estimated Reading Time: 43 seconds

… in a Digital World” is an article Cision asked me to write for its Navigator, loosely based on this presentation I made at Goodwill Industries International‘s 2009 Summer Learning Event (which was great, every organization should put on an event like that).

I’ve subscribed to the Navigator for years, so was thrilled to be asked. Thank you, Cision, and in particular, thank you Scott Henderson for so graciously sharing the details of the Pledge to End Hunger for both the presentation and the […]

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