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27 Aug 2010

The MetricsMan Comes To #measurePR

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

What’s a Twitter chat on measurement without a Metrics Man?

Fortunately, Don Bartholomew of Fleishman-Hillard – whom you may know as @donbart on Twitter – will rectify that this coming Tuesday, when he joins us to chat about social media “ROI.”

Ah, ROI.

If there’s a term that strikes more dread into the hearts of PR pros than the words “Child Catcher” did to those of Caractacus Potts and Truly Scrumptious… well, I haven’t come across it yet.

Whaaa? “Who’s the Child Catcher?”

26 Aug 2010

From WTF To KPI: PR Measurement In Acronyms

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

A couple of days ago, I had the pleasure of presenting a webinar on measurement aka demonstrating the business value of public relations for PRSA.

I say “pleasure” because it was. It was perfectly organized, I had no trouble with the webinar platform, and it was fun.

And I didn’t have to put on fancy clothes or fancy shoes to go do it.

I love webinars!

Here’s the deck, in case you’re interested. Download/embed away. […]

23 Aug 2010

I’m Not A Twit Or A Twerp, I’m A Tweep

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Catching up on my RSS reader (I’m woefully behind), I came across this post from Dirk Singer’s Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

It looks at an eMarketer assessment of why regular Twitter users, though relatively small in number (when you compare them to Internet users overall), make the platform I love – and many still love to hate – important:


16 Aug 2010

Influence: From BS to Best Practice

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

I “met” Philip Sheldrake a few weeks ago when he started participating in #measurePR.

Who’s Philip Sheldrake?

According to David Meerman Scott, he’s “the independent expert on [social media analytics] tools.”

You’ll have to scroll down to the comments to see that, but David’s post is an excellent read too, so I think it’s well worth your time.

He is founder and partner of Influence Crowd, LLP, (photo used with Philip’s permission) and “works with organizations to improve their sensitivity to their publics and become […]

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