
18 Aug 2010

Measurement Smarts… Or Mata Hari?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Are we smart about measurement… or unwittingly being Mata Hari?

Image: Bob Bobster, Creative Commons

Yesterday’s #measurePR chat was VERY interesting.

Philip Sheldrake of Influence Crowd was our guest, and we focused on the ethics of measurement; here’s a recent post that tells you how and why he came to be on the show, er, chat.

Before I could get to it, Philip wrote up a great recap of the chat, so I’m not going to try to improve on what’s already […]

10 May 2010

Measuring PR With Jen Zingsheim

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tomorrow Jen Zingsheim of CustomScoop will be gracing #measurePR to chat about all things PR measurement (disclosure, I’m a happy CustomScoop client).

Jen isn’t being featured on the chat because I’m a client; if you’ve been following the chat, either live or through the transcripts, you’ll see this is the first time she’s the featured guest.

I asked if she’d be interested in talking about measurement because I think she’s really smart about it. And because she loves animals and was one of my “let’s […]

27 Apr 2010

HAPPO: The Freshman Edition

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

A couple of months ago, I was part of the HAPPO kickoff team. If you’re new to the concept, HAPPO (Help A PR Pro Out) is “designed to help connect PR job seekers with employers looking for top talent.”

It started as a day, but now it’s much more than that; a hashtag, blog, chat… in short, it aims to be your one-stop shop if you’re a PR pro looking for a job, and an ever-growing community that tries to help you do that.

Image: Marco Vossen, Creative […]

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