Social Media

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17 Sep 2010

How Connected is Too Connected?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

On the road

By the time you read this, I will be on my way to an area hospital where my husband has a minor surgical procedure to undergo.

It’s nothing major, but he’ll need a ride back, so I’m going with him to make sure he’ll be ok and gets home instead of mysteriously landing up at the used record store he loves to frequent.

Because we have NO more room for records in our entertainment room/library/office.

At least, not until the basement has been modified into his “man cave.”


31 Aug 2010

Taking A Bow On BNET

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Exactly a week ago, something really really really good happened to/for me.

Even though I couldn’t officially spill the beans, I had to tell my friends (of course).

They were equally happy for me and, I suspect, a little frustrated that it would take me a week to come clean. This was my Facebook post that day:

A week hence

Now, that day has come, and I can officially tell you…

Today marks my debut as a […]

14 Aug 2010

Bookmining on Twitter

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Stuck for reading material?

Image: David Pritchard, Creative Commons

Just ask your social networks for their recommendations.

I had a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble that was burning a hole in its sleeve.

I have a habit of using gift cards to get gifts for others, but this time I decided to treat myself.


Look at some of the great recommendations I got (and am still getting)

on Twitter:


12 Aug 2010

Not Just Another Day

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re like me, right now you are sipping your coffee (or tea), reading your morning paper (or more likely, scanning your RSS reader), making a mental checklist of everything you must take care of today.

Just another day.

Image: Lance Johnson, Creative Commons

If you’re like me but on the other side of the world, you are winding down after a hard day’s work, figuring out what to cook for dinner (or what takeout you’ll order), stretching your bones that ache after a day of sitting in front […]

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