
14 Aug 2010

Bookmining on Twitter

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Stuck for reading material?

Image: David Pritchard, Creative Commons

Just ask your social networks for their recommendations.

I had a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble that was burning a hole in its sleeve.

I have a habit of using gift cards to get gifts for others, but this time I decided to treat myself.


Look at some of the great recommendations I got (and am still getting)

on Twitter:


02 Jul 2010

How Do You Say “Good Morning”?

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the most important things you can do in social media is to say, “Good morning.”

Image: Mahesh Khanna, Creative Commons

It’s amazing who will respond, and what they’ll respond with.

Chuck Hester, for example, puts out a daily CHUCKle. Like this one from a few days ago:

Heh heh.

Today I saw Mike Schaffer saying, “Good morning, good morning to you,” which immediately reminded me of the song from “Singing […]

25 Jun 2010

DMC10, Twitter and The Blue Ball

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Earlier today I presented at the 2010 Digital Media Conference, put on by PotomacTechWire and DigitalMediaWire.

My panel focused on “Twitter and the Media,” and included luminaries such as Rohit Bhargava, Jodi Gersh, Kevin Dando and Chris McGill. If ever a panel made me feel smart…

It was a fun afternoon, for which I prepared by downing copious amounts of the delicious tomato/basil soup on hand. And I hope those who attended got something out of it too.

For me, it […]

22 Jun 2010

Of Hard Drives, Hallelujah and Trust

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

Well, it’s finally done. My old hard drive is dead and I will shortly be giving it a funeral service. But, as they say, it’s an ill wind that blows no one any good.

Let me bring you up to speed.

As you may have followed, I had a bit of a meltdown last week, when my hard drive crashed. Having (stupidly) not backed up my data recently and being between laptops, I was ready to do anything – anything – to get my data back.

When the Geek […]

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