Social Media

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28 May 2009

Social Media Might Just Find Darby a Home

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Darby saga has been going on for weeks now (if you’re a first-time reader, check out my earlier posts at the bottom of this one to get up to speed, but long story short, she’s an “orphaned” GSD in Portland, Ore., for whom I’m trying to find a home).

When I started blogging, tweeting, etc., about Darby, I asked the question, “Can Social Media Find Darby a Home?” Truth was, I didn’t know. I just knew I had to get the word out about her any way I […]

14 May 2009

Will Social Media Save Darby? The Saga Continues

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

Since I first blogged about Darby the (female) German Shepherd, there’s been a lot of interest in her and her situation. There are so many people who have helped spread the word, and continue to do so, that I couldn’t begin to list them all here. But you know who you are, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As an aside, almost all of you have connected with me through Twitter – what an incredibly effective communication platform (and guess what, Darby decided […]

11 May 2009

Can Social Media Find Darby a Home?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

I love social media and networking. No surprises there. What is especially fascinating to me is their potential to bring together people who are virtually unknown [sic] to each other, and set the stage for something unique, something unintended and, quite possibly, something very, very good.

There are several examples of virtual “strangers” banding together to make a difference; certainly for non-profit organizations and causes, but also in response to personal appeals. Remember Beth Kanter’s birthday fund raising drive which raised thousands of dollars for kids in Cambodia? […]

29 Apr 2009

Social Media, Social Karma

Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes

There’s an awful lot of social karma going around lately.

JOTW: My First Experience With Social Karma

For the last few years, I’ve occasionally guest-edited the free “Ned’s Job of the Week” e-newsletter. If you don’t know about it, it’s a free weekly newsletter that lists job postings sent to Ned Lundquist, ABC, by subscribers (as well as many he finds himself) in the spirit of sharing.

For a couple of weeks every year, I experience what Ned goes through on a daily basis: sifting through job postings sent by readers, […]

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