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Home>Social Media
29 Sep 2010

How Pepco Can Power Up Its Communications

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes


I brought you up to speed on my conversations with Pepco and, more specifically, with Andre Francis, who manages the organization’s social media efforts.

Image: Féron Benjamin via Flickr, Creative Commons

As I continued thinking about it and how organizations approach social media in general, a couple of things became clear to me.

First, when companies – especially large ones – take the plunge into social media – they deserve our support, especially those of us who work in the field.

Who knows what […]

28 Sep 2010

Powwowing With Pepco on Social Media

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

I haven’t been the biggest fan of my local energy company, Pepco, recently.

Granted, we’ve had some pretty crazy weather… and that tends to send the power diving down the tubes.

That, I understand.

But what really started getting on my nerves was how seemingly useless their communications were.

I ranted a fair amount about this, so I won’t repeat myself here.

To pick up where I left off

I was all set to do a humdinger of a post about how terrible Pepco was, particularly in its use of […]

27 Sep 2010

How A Fake Taxidermist Is Keeping AT&T On Its Toes

Estimated Reading Time: 11 minutes

Remember how @BPGlobalPR, the fake BP “PR” Twitterfeed took off?

Meet @ATT_Fake_PR (formerly @ATT_Wireless_PR).

No, I’m not doing my best Rip Van Winkle impersonation. I’ve been following and “talking” to ATT_Fake_PR for a while.


Now, I am not, and have not been, an AT&T customer (I’m quite happy with Verizon Wireless).

I have no experience of, and no beef with, AT&T. I’m sure there are many nice, decent people who work there.


23 Sep 2010

High on “V”: Vloggers as Influencers

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes

Guest Post by Herwin Icasiano

V is for Vlogger

We surf YouTube and upload videos for multiple, even random, purposes; it’s become a video sharing site open to all communities and interests.

Image: striatic‘s Flickrstream, CC 2.0

I use it to watch adorable animals… among other things.

What I’m really interested in on YouTube, though, are vloggers – people who post videos about their thoughts, goings-on, or specific interests.

Here are three I follow closely:


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