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14 Aug 2010

Bookmining on Twitter

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Stuck for reading material?

Image: David Pritchard, Creative Commons

Just ask your social networks for their recommendations.

I had a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble that was burning a hole in its sleeve.

I have a habit of using gift cards to get gifts for others, but this time I decided to treat myself.


Look at some of the great recommendations I got (and am still getting)

on Twitter:


12 Aug 2010

Not Just Another Day

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re like me, right now you are sipping your coffee (or tea), reading your morning paper (or more likely, scanning your RSS reader), making a mental checklist of everything you must take care of today.

Just another day.

Image: Lance Johnson, Creative Commons

If you’re like me but on the other side of the world, you are winding down after a hard day’s work, figuring out what to cook for dinner (or what takeout you’ll order), stretching your bones that ache after a day of sitting in front […]

23 Jul 2010

Of Early Adopters, Tenons and Henry Wood

Estimated Reading Time: 7 minutes

“Technically mocking isn’t a sport… yet… though I have made a proposal for the 2020 Olympic games.” ~ Brian Meeks

This is the final post in a three-part interview with Brian Meeks, who goes by the moniker “Extremely Average.” In Part I, Brian talked about why woodworking makes him a better writer, and stinking in the dark room. Part II saw him discussing why he hasn’t decided whether or not Mrs. Johnson was evil. My questions continue:

Tell me a little […]

18 Jul 2010

From Old Spice’s Nose To Dilbert’s Ears

Estimated Reading Time: 49 seconds

Was Old Spice Guy responsible for today’s Dilbert strip?

More than enough has been written about the campaign; I don’t have to chime in. But you might enjoy reading a few posts that I thought provided a slightly different take on the campaign:


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