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17 Feb 2010

Moving from “Buzz” to “Business”: Social Commerce Camp DC Is Coming Up

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why bother with PR?

One of the things that yours truly focuses on in her, er my, “day job” is the business use of public relations – or, in other words, why bother with “PR” if it’s not going to impact business indicators? Far too often, I see and hear people assuming the raison d’être of “PR” is to “create buzz.”

I won’t belabor the point here but in a nutshell, it’s not. Effective PR is designed – and implemented – with a view to helping an organization […]

27 Jan 2010

Speaking Season Begins

Estimated Reading Time: 1 minute

I didn’t think this would happen so quickly, but my 2010 speaking “season” has kicked off.

So – here’s where I’ll be over the next few months, adding new dates as we go along. Do let me know if you’ll be anywhere that I am, so that we can say “hello” to each other (and if you can join a webinar or teleseminar, I’ll be delighted).

By the way, if you’re interested in measurement, tomorrow I’m doing a webinar for PRSA Tampa Bay that reprises my turn at PRSA’s 2009 International Conference. […]

04 Nov 2009

Tweetupin’ a Storm in San Diego

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Disclosure: no one’s asked me to write this post, and I’m sure not getting paid for it, but I do thank sponsors of a certain event coming up. Now that you know all that… read on.

I don’t know what’s gotten into everyone lately, it’s tweetup this, tweetup that… oh wait, it’s that whole thing about moving your online relationships offline. My bad.

So in a few days, when I head to San Diego for PRSA 2009, I have not one, not two, but four tweetups to try to attend… […]

03 Nov 2009

Sun, Sand and… Measurement

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes

In a few days I’ll be Westward-bound; one of several hundred (or is it thousand?) PR and communication professionals converging on San Diego for PRSA’s 2009 International Conference (that’s me on Coronado Beach a couple years ago). My first experience of PRSA’s annual shindig was last year, when I was lucky enough to co-present with Katie Paine on measurement in Detroit.

The entire experience was a blast, and it will also live forever in my memory because that’s where I first met the beauteous and brilliant Shannon […]

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